Ledger.Com/Start | Live to start setting up your device - Webflow

Let’s Set Up the Ledger Live with Ledger Wallet

  1. Start by launching the newly installed version of Ledger Live.
  2. If you are a new user, it will prompt you to select "Set up a new device" from the list of possibilities.
  3. After making your chosen selection, pick your favorite wallet application.
  4. Open your wallet device now and proceed by creating a PIN to further unlock it.
  5. After going through the security checklist, click "Check now" to finish the verification process.
  6. A prompt stating that "Your device is genuine" will appear; at this point, you are ready to move on.
  7. After that, move on to creating a password for the installed Ledger.com/start program.
  8. On the next screen, enter a strong password twice and choose "Continue".

Steps to Reset the Ledger Live Password

In case, you forget or lose your Ledger Live password, do follow the pathway I’m elaborating on further.

  1. Install the Ledger Live from Ledger.com/start.
  2. Now, open it in a locked condition and tap on the text link “I lost my password”.
  3. You’ll be warned about losing the data, go through it and provide consent by tapping on the “Reset” button.
  4. Press “Get Started” located on the Welcome page.
  5. Pick up the Ledger device you are using and hit “Already have a recovery phrase?”.
  6. Next, choose the “Connect device” option and provide a seed phrase after connecting the wallet device with the desktop.
  7. Go to the Ledger Live settings further and hit the “Password lock” toggle to turn it on.
  8. Move ahead by setting up a new hard-to-decrypt Ledger Live password by following the on-screen instructions.

Now, you are done with the Ledger Live password reset and you are all set to explore all the offerings of Ledger Live. If you want to know the Live app offering in detail, you can visit the Ledger.com start.

The Bottom Line!

Ledger Live is a software to navigate various needful trading-related activities such as buying, sending, and receiving trading assets along with interacting with dApps and NFT space. By downloading it from Ledger.com start, you can begin your journey after setting it up with a Ledger Wallet. This write-up will help you throughout your way in case you may have forgotten your Ledger Live password. So, if you are also one of them, stroll through this read and help yourself by resetting the password of Ledger Live Wallet without losing funds.